New For 2022

Lobelia 'Starship Blue'
This easy to grow perennial produces rich blue, butterfly shaped flowers on spikes above green, ovate leaves throughout summer. Very attractive to bees and butterflies. Thrives in moist soil. Will require some protection from severe winter frosts.
Plant Care
Ideal plant for patio containers or plant into any good garden soil avoiding wet areas. Keep well watered until established. Trim to ground level in spring and feed with a good general fertiliser.
Planting Instructions
Soak plant thoroughly in its pot before planting, dig hole large enough to comfortably accommodate the root ball. Ensure the surrounding soil and the top of the root ball are at the same level. Fill around the root ball with soil mixed with good planting compost and a suitable fertiliser. Firm well and water generously.
Full Sun Part Shade
June - September