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New For 2022

Dryopteris 'Jurassic Gold'
Alpine Wood Fern. The unusually coloured, golden-orange fronds of this fern make a very eyecatching addition to any shaded areas. Fading to yellow and then pale green, the 'shuttlecock' like fronds die back over winter to regrow in spring, although in sheltered spots, it may retain them.
Plant Care
Ideal plant for patio containers or plant into any average garden soil avoiding wet areas. Easy to care for.
Planting Instructions
Water thoroughly or stand pot in a container of water for half an hour before planting. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Remove the pot, place the plant in hole so that it is level with the surrounding ground, and refill firming as necessary. Keep well watered in dry weather. Feed in spring with a general fertiliser.
Part Shade
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