Hosta 'Purple Heart'
An unusual variety of Plantain Lily in that the stems are a strikingly different colour to the leaves. Deep purple/maroon stems hold aloft large, bright green, ribbed leaves, that take on the perfect silhouette of a heart as the purple colour bleeds into the base of the leaf. Sprays of pale purple tubular flowers in summer. (Photo Courtesy of Terra Nova)
Plant Care
Keep well watered until firmly established. Plant into any average garden soil, enjoys damp but not wet areas. Feed with a good general fertiliser every two weeks in the flowering season.
Planting Instructions
Water thoroughly, or stand pot in a container of water for half an hour before planting. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Remove the pot, place the plant in the hole so that the root ball is level with the surrounding ground and refill, firming if necessary. Keep well watered in dry weather. Feed in spring with a good, general fertiliser.
Part Shade Full Shade
July - August