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Spaced Out on Production!

Innovative frame to improve lining out new stock

A new spacing frame has been introduced to help the lining out of newly potted plants at GCP.

Brain child of Potting & Production Manager Chris Connah and constructed by maintenance man Steve Hughes, the device is now a familiar sight on the nursery as potting production increases by the week. 

The current frame is designed to be used with 3 litre pots, the belief being it's going to make a big difference to the laying down of new stock.

"Not only will it improve working efficiency but it will allow crops more growing and breathing room enabling them to become bushier" explained Chris.

"We'll also be able to maintain the plants more competently in the future" he added.

Plans are already afoot to introduce a second spacing frame for smaller pots in the 2 Litre range.

Watch this space!

THE FINAL FRONTIER - Spaced to perfection

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